Merry christmas and Happy new year!

Many children's longing for the magical evening with Christmas presents under the tree and all adults laughing and enjoying themselves is now here! Want to remind you adults to take care of yourselves!
We want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who participated and collected gifts for Fristaden's Christmas gift distribution that we had on the square in Jakobstad. There were many Christmas presents handed out and many happy faces. Many young people chose to choose a gift for their parents or siblings. At the same time, we want to address the topic of Christmas and Christmas presents, it is often not the packages or the food that matter so much to many children. There are many children who feel a strong anxiety before Christmas Eve. It can be fights, alcohol, depression, drugs that cause it in many families and unfortunately Christmas is not as magical for everyone as one would like to believe. Christmas is a tough period and a big challenge for many families.
A "white" Christmas has many meanings and we wish that as many people as possible can experience this magical "white Christmas"! We also want to remind all children and young people that you can always turn to someone to talk to if things feel heavy or if you feel worried. We have collected various links to those we collaborate with on our page "dare to speak" There you can easily find phone numbers or chat channels. And with that said.
So we all from Fristaden want to send a wish to you all...