Dare to speak!

Sometimes you may feel insecure, scared, sad,shy, confused or just feel bad without knowing why. I believe we all have shared these feelings. Some of us feel like screaming on top of our lungs and some of us just retract. But in most cases we only want to be heard by someone.
It's not every time you need to confirm your feelings, sometimes many of us just want to be seen and heard and feel that someone is there just listening to you. And sometimes it's important the person can listen and not be judging/ Linda Backlund
On this website we have gathered links to different online chatlines and places you can call anonymously. Click on the picture it will take you to the website for more information.
This is a free hotline, it does not show up on your phone bill and is not taped. Call anonymous.
Swedish and Finnish
Swedish: Barn- och ungdomstelefonen service number: 0800 96 116.
må-ons kl. 14-17 och to kl. 17-20.
Finnish: Barn- och ungdomstelefonen service number 0800 96 116.
Open year around.
Monday to Friday 14-20
Saturday to Sunday 17-20.
During holiday 14-17.
Here you can chat anonymously with a supervisor.
Chat is open between:
Monday and wednesday 9-12
Monday,tuesday,wednesday and thursday 19-22.
If you need someone to listen churches call assistance is for you. The people on duty are educated De jourhavande är utbildade frivilliga eller kyrkligt anställda med tystnadsplikt. Samtalsavgiften är vanlig lokal- eller mobilsamtalsavgift.
0400 22 11 90
Oberoende dag så pratar någon gärna med dig en stund mellan kl. 20-23.
Women hotline if for all girls and women who has suffered abuse,threat or fear. I telefonen svarar kvinnor som är frivilliga och har utbildats av Kvinnolinjen. Samtalen är konfidentiella och avgiftsfria.
på finska måndag till fredag 16-20
på engelska fredagar 16-20
Ibland är det kö på telefonlinjen. Ge inte upp, ring på nytt! Du kan också ta kontakt via nätet.
Click on the picture to get to the website.